Come and sing day payment information

The full price is £35, £20 for under 30s and £15 for under 21s.

You can hire or purchase the music for the day. We will be using the New Novello edition of Mozart Reqiem. Other editions are fine as long as they have bar numbers.

  • Hire for £2
  • Purchase for £10.50

You can pay in three different ways: bank transfer, cheque, or online.

By bank transfer

Please pay to: 

TSB Bank plc 
Sort Code: 30-12-34 
Account number: 00434566 
For the credit of English Baroque Choir 
Reference: Name of participant/Singing Day 

By Cheque

Made out to English Baroque Choir Ltd and sent by post to:

Ray Carlson,
English Baroque Choir,
35 Cleveland Gardens,
London SW13 0AE. 

Please indicate name(s) of participant(s) to whom the payment applies. 

Online ticket

Click here to buy online tickets (payment includes a booking fee). They are either admission only or including score hire or purchase. Please make sure that you select the ticket type that matches your registration.